Securing Space

Securing Space

If your company has a Facilities or Grounds Department, start there. Facilities managers usually know what land is open, if it is earmarked for any particular use or new construction, the site history, and whether there is access to water and power. If there are not any outdoor spaces available, consider growing food indoors in…

Soil Health

Soil Health

Contaminated land can be a serious issue on vacant property. Before performing your own soil test, check with the Facilities or Grounds Department to see if a soil test for the space has already been conducted. If one has not been done recently, inexpensive soil tests can be conducted via mail at several labs across…

Growing Community

Growing Community

For big projects such as getting your spring crops in the ground (or in the container), consider making it a team-building event. Put up announcements around the office and get a dozen associates together for a lunch-time planting event with refreshments each spring. It’s an opportunity to work together collaboratively in a different setting and…